2019 Ferry to Ferry 7 | Seattle, WA | Sunday, August 11th

Ferry 2 Ferry 7

Seattle, WA

Ferry 2 Ferry 7 Scooterswapshop

The Premiere Pacific Northwest Small Displacement Ride.

2019 Facebook Event Page

This is the weekend of the 2018 Ferry 2 Ferry ride in Seattle Washington.  Filmed & Edited by the multi talented Phat Pat of SoDef Films

A little background on the Ferry 2 Ferry. It all began with the ImSoNice crew from WA state. The ImSoNice crew was wrenching one afternoon and was decided that Seattle needed its own Ruckus event. Now it's turned into the global small bore phenomenon. Join Team Scooterswapshop and posse for a killer 2019 Ride. 

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